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The nillion tool is a command line version of the Nillion Client. We refer to the tool as the CLI Client.

The nillion tool can be used to generate user keys, generate node keys, store secrets, retrieve a secret, store a program, compute on a program, get cluster information, check the preprocessing pool status, and display node and user ids from keys.

nillion can be run against the Nillion Network or against a local cluster spun up with nillion-devnet. If nillion is running against your local cluster, use the cluster id, bootnodes, smart contract addresses, chain id, rpc url endpoint values that are local cluster outputs as nillion options.


Follow instructions to install the Nillion SDK and Tools, which include nillion tool installation


Usage: nillion [OPTIONS] -b <BOOTNODES> <COMMAND>
store-secrets Store secrets in the network
retrieve-secret Retrieve a secret from the network
store-program Store a program in the network
compute Perform a computation in the network
cluster-information Fetch the cluster's information
preprocessing-pool-status Fetch the preprocessing pool status for a cluster
inspect-ids Display the node/user ids derived from the provided keys
shell-completions Generate shell completions
node-key-gen Generate Node keys
user-key-gen Generate User keys
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

--user-key <USER_KEY>
The user key in base58
--user-key-seed <USER_KEY_SEED>
The seed to be used to derive user key
-u, --user-key-path <USER_KEY_PATH>
The path to the file that contains the user key in base58
--node-key <NODE_KEY>
The node key in base58
--node-key-seed <NODE_KEY_SEED>
The seed to be used to derive node key
-n, --node-key-path <NODE_KEY_PATH>
The path to the file that contains the node key in base58
A list of bootnodes to connect to
-l, --listen-address <LISTEN_ADDRESS>
The address to listen on
--payments-rpc-endpoint <RPC_ENDPOINT>
RPC endpoint URL
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS>
Payments smart contract address
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS>
Blinding factors manager smart contract address
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
Wallet signer private key
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID>
Wallet signer chain ID
--blockchain-config-path <BLOCKCHAIN_CONFIG_PATH>
Path to a configuration file containing the blockchain configurations
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version
Print version

Generate user key with nillion

Generate a Nillion user key and store it in a file

user-key-gen usage

nillion user-key-gen <FILENAME>

Generate node key with nillion

Generate a Nillion node key and store it in a file

node-key-gen usage

nillion node-key-gen <FILENAME>

Store secrets with nillion

Store secrets from a secrets file or by passing them into the command directly.

store-secrets usage

nillion --user-key <YOUR_USER_KEY> \
--node-key <YOUR_NODE_KEY> \
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
--payments-rpc-endpoint <BLOCKCHAIN_RPC_ENDPOINT> \
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS> \
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS> \
store-secrets \
--cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> \
--dealer-name <DEALER_NAME> \
# Arguments:
The program id that the store is for, if any

--int-secret <INTEGER_SECRETS>
An integer secret.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: i]

An unsigned integer secret.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: ui]

--secrets-path <SECRETS_PATH>
A path to load secrets from

-c, --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID>
The cluster id to perform the operation on

--authorize-user-execution <AUTHORIZE_USER_EXECUTION>
Give execution access to this user on the secret we're uploading

--dealer-name <DEALER_NAME>
Dealer name is used by the program to identify the input owners

-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Example secrets file

# Secrets file with 2 secrets of type SecretInteger
my_secret1: 6
my_secret2: 4

Retrieve a secret with nillion

Retrieve a secret by store id and secret id

retrieve-secret usage

nillion --user-key <YOUR_USER_KEY> \
--node-key <YOUR_NODE_KEY> \
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
--payments-rpc-endpoint <BLOCKCHAIN_RPC_ENDPOINT> \
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS> \
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS> \
retrieve-secret \
--cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> \
--store-id <STORE_ID> \
--secret-id <SECRET_ID>
-c, --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> The cluster id to perform the operation on
--store-id <STORE_ID> The store id to retrieve
--secret-id <SECRET_ID> The specific secret id to be retrieved
-h, --help Print help

Store a program with nillion

Name and store a compiled Nada program on the network.

store-program usage

nillion --user-key <YOUR_USER_KEY> \
--node-key <YOUR_NODE_KEY> \
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
--payments-rpc-endpoint <BLOCKCHAIN_RPC_ENDPOINT> \
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS> \
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS> \
store-program \
--cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> \
<PROGRAM_NAME> The name of the program

Compute on a program with nillion

Compute on a stored program by program id with stored secrets, secrets and public variables from files, or secrets and public variables input directly in the command

compute usage

nillion --user-key <YOUR_USER_KEY> \
--node-key <YOUR_NODE_KEY> \
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
--payments-rpc-endpoint <BLOCKCHAIN_RPC_ENDPOINT> \
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS> \
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS> \
compute \
--cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> \
The id of the program to be run

-c, --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID>
The cluster id to perform the operation on

--store-id <STORE_IDS>
A store secret id to be used..

--result-node <RESULT_NODES>
A result node's party id.

Not providing any result nodes means the dealer node will be the defaulted as the result node.

--result-node-name <RESULT_NODE_NAMES>
A result node's name

--bind-dealer <BIND_DEALER>

--int-secret <INTEGER_SECRETS>
An integer secret.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: i]

An unsigned integer secret.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: ui]

--secrets-path <SECRETS_PATH>
A path to load secrets from

--int-public-variable <INTEGER_PUBLIC_VARIABLES>
An integer public variable.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: ip]

An unsigned integer public variable.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: uip]

--public-variables-path <PUBLIC_VARIABLES_PATH>
A path to load secrets from

-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Example public variables file

# Public variables file with 2 public variables of type PublicVariableInteger
my_public_variable1: 20
my_public_variable2: 12

Get cluster information with nillion

Get info about the cluster

cluster-information usage

nillion --user-key <YOUR_USER_KEY> \
--node-key <YOUR_NODE_KEY> \
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
--payments-rpc-endpoint <BLOCKCHAIN_RPC_ENDPOINT> \
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS> \
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS> \
cluster-information \

<CLUSTER_ID> The cluster id to query for

-h, --help Print help

Check the preprocessing pool status with nillion

Fetch the preprocessing pool status for a cluster

preprocessing-pool-status usage

nillion --user-key <YOUR_USER_KEY> \
--node-key <YOUR_NODE_KEY> \
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
--payments-rpc-endpoint <BLOCKCHAIN_RPC_ENDPOINT> \
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS> \
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS> \
preprocessing-pool-status \

<CLUSTER_ID> The cluster id to query for

-h, --help Print help

Display node and user ids with nillion

Check the peer id of the node and the user id of the user.

inspect-ids usage

nillion --user-key <YOUR_USER_KEY> \
--node-key <YOUR_NODE_KEY> \
--payments-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--payments-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
--payments-rpc-endpoint <BLOCKCHAIN_RPC_ENDPOINT> \
--payments-sc-address <PAYMENTS_SC_ADDRESS> \
--blinding-factors-manager-sc-address <BLINDING_FACTORS_MANAGER_SC_ADDRESS> \

-h, --help Print help